Christmas time is upon us, and all the stresses that come along with it. You have presents to buy for dozens of people, food prep for a big Christmas meal and you have to figure out where all your in-laws are going to be able to sleep in your house.

So anything that can reduce the stress of the situation is going to be gratefully welcomed. That’s where self storage can come in handy. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all you have to do this Christmas, then here are some ways that a self storage unit can help relieve some of that stress.


Make Room For Guests to Stay

Do you have a box room that is currently cluttered with all the cardboard boxes you haven’t yet unpacked since your house move? Or maybe you’re currently using it as an office or studio, but you won’t be needing it over the Christmas break?

Self storage can help you free up valuable space and make room for any additional visitors over the holiday period.


Declutter Your House

If you don’t have enough storage space at your house clutter can quickly take over. Whether it’s rarely used kitchen appliances on the counters, boxes of documents you never look at, or hundreds of old DVDs you never watch, you’re not alone. In fact, according to research from Gumtree, one in five homes have enough unwanted items to fill an average bathroom.

These things probably don’t matter to you, but you might worry about what the in-laws would think seeing the clutter left around your house.

Not to worry, it’s easy to remove all this clutter from your home and store it in a unit out of sight until your guests have left.


Hiding Your Presents

Curious children will always try to find their presents before Christmas day, even if you they know that the surprise on the day will be better than knowing their present weeks beforehand. Some presents are easier to hide than others, with large gifts such as bikes being much trickier to hide.

However, if you store your Christmas presents in your storage unit then no one will be any the wiser as to what they are getting. And with securely locked units and 24/7 security even the most determined of children won’t be able to find their presents until the big day.


Pre and Post-Christmas Storage

Christmas decorations can really pile up. You might have your Christmas tree and all the lights and decorations on there, as well as wreaths, tinsel, lights for the house, Christmas hats or costumes, and anything else to celebrate the holiday.

All of these decorations are only used for one part of the year, and then packed away for the other 10 or 11 months, like so many other items we own. There’s no point in these decorations taking up so much space in your house, as you don’t need immediate access to them.

To free up all this space in your house you can move all your Christmas decorations to a storage unit here at Lock Stock. And if for some reason you need your Santa hat in July you can access your unit 24 / 7.


Store Seasonal Stock

If you sell a business that sells stock then a storage unit might be perfect for you. It might be that your inventory doesn’t change, but sales ramp up towards Christmas.

Or it might be that you sell different items during different seasons.

Either way, a storage unit offers you a perfect place to store the excess inventory you don’t have space for.

So this Christmas don’t let all the stresses of the holiday overwhelm you. Rent a storage unit with Lock Stock and let us take some of the pressure off you.